A Non-Ordinary Healing – An Out of Body Experience

On a Saturday morning in early January 2014, I awoke at four in the morning and had my usual cup(s) of coffee. I remember that I was thinking about all the ‘OBE Systems’ that I have studied and practiced over the years: Carlos Castenada, Robert Munroe, Astro Soul Travel – all without results. Close calls, lots of almost but never any all-out successes. “…and now here comes another ‘System’, The Phase with Michael Raduga…”! I suddenly realized that I was done with all methods, once and for all. I’m going to do it my way. I felt a fierce determination to experience this out-of-body state. Returned to my bedroom and laid down. It wasn’t long before I fell asleep again.

Who Is This Guy?

As soon as I fell asleep I was immediately awake in a dream. I knew I was dreaming AND asleep in bed and oddly, I was in my room and bed where I lived over 25 years ago. Then, in the next instant, I was face to face with some guy who I have never seen before. He raised his arms from his sides to his shoulders, laterally, like in the shape of a crucifix, then fell forward with me beneath him and I am feeling no power to resist. He then immediately blows two breaths onto two spots of my neck, mid-way between my jaw and collar bone. He then disappears from my sight when I then begin to separate from my physical body. There are two perspectives happening at the same time through this experience. There is me who is watching everything unfold and there is a me who is experiencing everything unfold. I then shifted to the ‘experiencer’. From within the experience my head begins to tingle intensely, from the top of my head to the bottom of skull and upper neck. At the moment I am knowing that ‘it’ is happening. This is it! I become extremely excited, fascinated along with a little fear – of the unknown – and as these emotional forms and the intense tingling build in intensity, it becomes too much and a complete separation of out-of-body recedes. But, as this is happening, the ‘guy’ returns and begins to fan the area of my neck that he previously blew onto/into. He fans the area with motions of his hand as if one were re-viving the embers of a fire. As he ‘fans the fire’ I am experiencing the return to the sleeping state. I immediately wake up. Stunned and awed.

I immediately get out of bed and walk around my home for close to an hour. Pacing, back and forth. Everything I eyed-upon seemed so acutely ordinary and mundane. The ‘dream’ was still alive within me. The energy of that ‘other’ state of being was humming all around me. Even things held so dear to me, like my flutes and drums and pictures of loved ones and…my physical life, all seemed so one-dimensional. It took about eight hours to fully integrate the experience.

Since that Saturday morning in early January I have been pondering about this ‘guy’ who appeared and the breath thing he did on my throat. Several days later I came across a recording of Russian Orthodox monks chanting. I began to chant along with them and was amazed at the range of my notes and my ability to harmonize with the chanting. I closed my eyes and could visualize the inner chamber of my mouth and throat, right down to the place where ‘guy’ did the two breaths. I used to sing, rarely as it was, from a very shallow place in my throat. I could never reach the high notes. I could ‘see’ where to sing in locations within my mouth that would produce the sound. Makes me wonder if my throat chakra was re-charged, so to speak, by ‘guy’. A non-ordinary healer and healing? Feels like it was the proverbial physician healing himself…but I still ponder on this.

If it wasn’t for the gifting of The Phase from my friend, Kate, I don’t think I would be here writing about OBE and all of it’s ensuing effects. I will stay with Michael Raduga’s the Phase and it’s instructions in order to hone my skills. It is the simplicity which is intriguing and so effective. I will be following his instructions a lot more closely. I am practicing a lot while at the same time not being too concerned whether I have an OBE or not. Which does not mean the absence of fierce will to succeed. Relaxed tension. At this point I am excited about practicing the direct and indirect techniques themselves, to become so skilled as to have control over the leaving and re-entering at will without even going anywhere, at least for now…